Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cutie pie drawings!

I am currently doing a series of character desgns to be used on childrens apparel for a major clothing manufacturer whose name I'm not allowed to say...
Anyways I had to depart from my caricature style to do cutie pie drawings that make you saw "AWWWW" and that dont give children nightmares. Here's 3 in a series that I'll be posting.

My ugly mugg

No new post today, just my ugly mug. I SOOO seldom take a GOOD picture that I had to post this one.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

ANOTHER Chicken-cature

This is Jon and his caricature at the Orlando Convention... Still fixated on chickens....

Friday, October 20, 2006

i just cant stop...

I was in animation class and we had to draw the model....I tried to be really serious but just couldnt help caricatureing. The model loved everyone elses picture but mine. "why do you have to make fun of people?" she asked...

Tastes like Chicken

Another picture from the Orlando Convention. This is the Caricature Artist known as "beast" from The NCN. I was fixated on drawing people as chickens this evening and he's one of the last ones that I drew. I wonder what Would happen if Chickens fed on themselves?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

another ugly caricature of me

Im on this self loathing kick doing "ugly " caricatures after the Orlando Convention. Heres another.

character design sketch

Did this character design sketch for a client in the city that owns a business called "downtown dog house. I can see that I should have put him in a more urban setting, and eliminate that grass, add some concrete, and some buildings in the background.... but I just wanted to show her the picture of the dog first, for approval.

self caricature

Been experimenting doing some self caricatures after being inspired by Dion Socia on The NCN Forum. Here's a familiar scene of me running to catch a train, sketchbook in hand, papers flying, probably late for a gig!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tastes like chicken

Many nights during the convention I deprived myself of food and sleep in an effort to break through the glass ceiling of lame caricaturing into the land of exaggerated caricature bliss. All I could think aobut was food though! especially chicken... and this is what came out in my work....

NCN Convention by subwaysurfer

Just returned from the Annual NCN Convention. ITo be more accurate, I returned on October 6th, but only until now have I been able to calm down enough to collect my thoughts.The Best of the BEST Caricature Artists from all over the world came together for a week of fun, education, competition, and even controversy at this convention. You reallly had to be there to get the full meaning. A couple of mountain top experiences included reuniting with my pal, Kenly Dillard, a former NYC Street Caricature Artist, now Florida native,who was instrumental for teaching me the ropes of live Street Caricature in NYC. Ken has alwasy been THE fastest artist I've ever seen, and I watched him create, in a few hours incredibly detailed sketches that would have taken a normal human days to complete. I also got a chance to meet my buddy Chris Collins, who I had been conversing with on the NCN forum for a year tring desperately to crack the caricature code. Chris REAAAALLLYYY "messed me up!" caricature wis, I was inspired and delighted. Another favorite artist, Adam Pate, thought me a simplied way of doing a quick sketch party style I cant WAIT to try at a party. Adma , the lucky dog, had the distinction of looking like Wolvernie from the Xmen, and I couldnt help but do his caricature. I also got an opportunity to meet and be interviewed by Mark Simon, artist and author of Facial Expressions, Your Resume Sucks, and Storyboards Motion in Art. Mark gave an inspiring, thought provoking and dynamic lecture on how to be a thriving artist that obliterated every excise for failure that I had. One of my illustrations , taken from an upcoming facial expressions book, also recieved honrable mention in a recent contest that NCN members participated in. Considering the awesome talent the NCN has, I consider that to be an honor. Character Designer, Steve Silver was also in attendance and gave another inspiring thought provoking and...dynamic lecture on the art of character design that also helped to inspire and eliminate excuses for failure. So much more to write, and I'll just spread out the news over time.... ..