Saturday, December 23, 2006

Sunday, December 03, 2006

tis the season after all...

I was trolling through some old sketchbooks and found this cartoon I submitted to The Canarsie Courier Newspaper, waaaaayyyyyy back when I was a struggling artist just starting off my freelance career....I was so trilled that they even wanted to PRINT it that I didnt mind NOT getting paid for it! .... boy have I changed!

Saturday, December 02, 2006

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Larry Youngstein HAVIN' A PARTY

I recently had the pleasure of doing a character design logo for my very first Agent, Larry Youngstein Of Havin' A Party in Canarsie Brooklyn, Larry took a chance on me 10 years ago when I walked into his shop on Ave L to audition for the nonexisting job of a caricature artist. I'll always be grateful for him for giving me a shot, treating me with respect, and teaching me the business of live entertainment. Even though he cant afford me now, LOL! I still to this day, use many of the things he taught me about how to run my own business, and he never steered me wrong.

Friday, November 24, 2006


He's too much fun NOT to draw too!! Im doing this as part of a storyboard that i cant talk about yet!


My animation teacher ALWAYS has us drawing the model for one 20 minute pose and 5 1 minute, and 5 30 second poses. At first I resented this and wanted to get to the "real" drawing and not waste time. I would even angrily caricature my nudes at first, since I hated doing this so much. Over time, however,I changed my mind, when I began to notice the gesture of my cartoons changing. Now I look forward to drawing nudes and really try hard to get it "right".

TD Jakes Caricature

Did this caricature of Pastor T.D. Jakes while he was "on a roll" preaching up a storm. This guy is reallllly animated! and he sweats more than James Brown eating a blate of hotwings on a hot stove in July!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

drawing my room....

I figured if im going to include storyboarding to one of my many ways of finding income, iI'd better focus as much on drawing scenary as I do on cartooning and the figure. It's rather dry and boring at first, but when you get into it, you start to really open up.

arnold schwarzenegger caricature

He's too fun NOT to draw! I was going for an "animated Saturday morning cartoon" feel...


My attempt at drawing Gov Arnold, Rosie O Donnell, Jen and Tom Cruise for an upcoming storyboard animatic project. I think I did great on Arnold and rosie but missed 0n Tom and Jen a little.

Monday, November 20, 2006

me again

another self caricature. I actually have a pink jacket that I wear to my live drawing gigs , as well as a black fedora, blk and wht spotted tie, and wht and blk "ganster" style shoes.

drawing a crowd

I am currently working on a storyboard for a client where in one of the panels I had to draw a crowd scene. At first i shuddered at the thought of doing such a massaive drawing and was concerned that everyone would end up looking stiff and boring. But, once I got on the subway and started drawing, the work just seemed to flow out of me. It was a great exercise also in studying body language.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

Too Sexy?

Recently submitted this idea to a clothing manufacturer. They loved the concept, but rejected the drawing. According to them, the kitty was a little "too sexy" for the doggie who looked innocent...

1950"s Caricature

Im studying a great 1950's Cartoon book that is called Cartoon Modern. Here is a cartoon I did of caricature artist, Alison Gelbman , in a simple style.

Japanese Storyboards

I recently did a job with a Japanese Advertizing company called , Wasabi Kikaku, Inc. in NYC. It was a promotional board done for Continental Airlines and a Japanese Airline firm targeted towards their Silver Elite Frequent Flyer Customers. The job was an education in Japanese Culture and i had to really work at making my work simple as that was the look they were looking for. Here are some of the isolated drawings and boards.
They rejected the color drawing and the first girl I did, and told mw she was ugly!

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Cutie pie drawings!

I am currently doing a series of character desgns to be used on childrens apparel for a major clothing manufacturer whose name I'm not allowed to say...
Anyways I had to depart from my caricature style to do cutie pie drawings that make you saw "AWWWW" and that dont give children nightmares. Here's 3 in a series that I'll be posting.

My ugly mugg

No new post today, just my ugly mug. I SOOO seldom take a GOOD picture that I had to post this one.

Saturday, October 21, 2006

ANOTHER Chicken-cature

This is Jon and his caricature at the Orlando Convention... Still fixated on chickens....

Friday, October 20, 2006

i just cant stop...

I was in animation class and we had to draw the model....I tried to be really serious but just couldnt help caricatureing. The model loved everyone elses picture but mine. "why do you have to make fun of people?" she asked...

Tastes like Chicken

Another picture from the Orlando Convention. This is the Caricature Artist known as "beast" from The NCN. I was fixated on drawing people as chickens this evening and he's one of the last ones that I drew. I wonder what Would happen if Chickens fed on themselves?

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

another ugly caricature of me

Im on this self loathing kick doing "ugly " caricatures after the Orlando Convention. Heres another.

character design sketch

Did this character design sketch for a client in the city that owns a business called "downtown dog house. I can see that I should have put him in a more urban setting, and eliminate that grass, add some concrete, and some buildings in the background.... but I just wanted to show her the picture of the dog first, for approval.

self caricature

Been experimenting doing some self caricatures after being inspired by Dion Socia on The NCN Forum. Here's a familiar scene of me running to catch a train, sketchbook in hand, papers flying, probably late for a gig!

Friday, October 13, 2006

Tastes like chicken

Many nights during the convention I deprived myself of food and sleep in an effort to break through the glass ceiling of lame caricaturing into the land of exaggerated caricature bliss. All I could think aobut was food though! especially chicken... and this is what came out in my work....

NCN Convention by subwaysurfer

Just returned from the Annual NCN Convention. ITo be more accurate, I returned on October 6th, but only until now have I been able to calm down enough to collect my thoughts.The Best of the BEST Caricature Artists from all over the world came together for a week of fun, education, competition, and even controversy at this convention. You reallly had to be there to get the full meaning. A couple of mountain top experiences included reuniting with my pal, Kenly Dillard, a former NYC Street Caricature Artist, now Florida native,who was instrumental for teaching me the ropes of live Street Caricature in NYC. Ken has alwasy been THE fastest artist I've ever seen, and I watched him create, in a few hours incredibly detailed sketches that would have taken a normal human days to complete. I also got a chance to meet my buddy Chris Collins, who I had been conversing with on the NCN forum for a year tring desperately to crack the caricature code. Chris REAAAALLLYYY "messed me up!" caricature wis, I was inspired and delighted. Another favorite artist, Adam Pate, thought me a simplied way of doing a quick sketch party style I cant WAIT to try at a party. Adma , the lucky dog, had the distinction of looking like Wolvernie from the Xmen, and I couldnt help but do his caricature. I also got an opportunity to meet and be interviewed by Mark Simon, artist and author of Facial Expressions, Your Resume Sucks, and Storyboards Motion in Art. Mark gave an inspiring, thought provoking and dynamic lecture on how to be a thriving artist that obliterated every excise for failure that I had. One of my illustrations , taken from an upcoming facial expressions book, also recieved honrable mention in a recent contest that NCN members participated in. Considering the awesome talent the NCN has, I consider that to be an honor. Character Designer, Steve Silver was also in attendance and gave another inspiring thought provoking and...dynamic lecture on the art of character design that also helped to inspire and eliminate excuses for failure. So much more to write, and I'll just spread out the news over time.... ..

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

subway sketches for today

Im less than a week away from the annual caricature convention in Orlando for the NCN I feel ready! here are some drawings I did today of commuters on the train.

Monday, September 25, 2006

We go forward.

I met with Tyler, the filmmaker responsible for directing and wrtiing the script for the upcoming animation project, and also met with a talented flash and after affects animator named Win who came from Thailand. ( I like the name, "WIN" It sure is a lot better than "LOSE!" we spent a couple of hours going through a language barrier, but in the end, GREAT ART WON OUT!! I cant wait to get started on this. Havent done any more sketches so i just thought I'd show some past ones.... like THIS one which comes from my "Toiletman" comic that is currently being featured on www.poopreport.com Be warned, I'm NOT a comic artist, and you will undoubtedly see stuff wrong with the storytelling but the art is fantastic, or at least, it's what I'm told...

Sunday, September 24, 2006

more character studies

Here are some more character studeis on the animation I am doing for a client who has me drawing this scenario involving a heroic chipmunk and a Greek Warrior. Should look interesting once everything comes together.

And it DID Adding this Link June 2011.


Ah, the infamous "intro page" the one that turns anoyomous strangers into familiar friends.....might as well get it over with... sigh. My name is Elgin and I am a professionalcaricature entertainer in NOO Yawk City. NO! I'm not one of the guys you see on 42nd street, although, I've done that too.... I do corporate caricature for parties, fundraisers and special events, as well as party caricature for mom and pop events, weddings, birthdays, and more Bat Bar Mitzvahs than the average Rabbi. I dubbed myself, "subwaysurfer" because that's how I get to most of my gigs here in NYC. The MTA, The LIRR, Metronorth Railroad, or NJ Transit gets me where I need to go. An average ride is 2 hrs, and like a professional athlete who warms up before an event, I warm up before my events by drawing unsuspecting passengers. It's great fun! and also...a little dangerous! keep posted as I post my adventures from time to time.
In addition to caricature I also do storyboarding, cartooning, and character design all of which will be seen here for as long as I feel like posting, and as long as you're not bored tuning in. SO.....without further delay, here's what's in my sketchbook...