Friday, September 21, 2007

One way or another... YOU"RE GET TING DRAWN!!!

Had this "hater" stop at my stand and absolutely REFUSED to get drawn and just hung around while my partner drew other people. SHe thought that if she kept showing me her profile that i wouldnt be able to draw her somehow... she was WRONG!! heh, heh....
My friend, ALison, who was also drawwing, just laughed.. She's the blond.


This is one of the pictures from my upcoming book, "30 DAYS" The concept of the book focuses qround me teaching myself extreme exaggeration using my favorite subject, namely,ME. For 3o days I stretch squash and humiliate myself in an effort to learn this caricature artform and in the process gain self esteem and insight. A MUST read, if I say so myself...