Saturday, November 29, 2008
Making her point...
Drew this picture of my wife while she was talking animatedly making one of her many points..... hey, just because she's my spouse dont me she gets any mercy on the caricature!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Loved the Hat...
This guy got on at the Howard Beach Station, and i couldnt put my reading material down fast enough to draw him, his Uni Brow and that ridiculous blue hat with the doggie ears. I gave him the predraw I did of him in full color before I did THIS one. I remember him scratching his head not quite knowing whether he should be excited, insulted, pay me, or punch me. I just smiled and drew my SECOND drawing which was more exaggerated. I recall him asking the lady next to him "does THIS look like ME?"
Thursday, November 27, 2008
The Black Elton John
he had this really small baseball cap with the bill of the hat facing the sky, a massive concrete smashing forehead... make that a FIVE head it was so big, and HUGE white Elton John like glasses, and he was actually staring and me, staring at him with this look on his face that said, "WHY ARE YOU STARING AT ME???" Some peoples faces and attitudes beg to be drawn and he was definitely one of em. I didnt even CARE that he was watching. I originally wanted to erase the pink pencil lines and do it up all nice and professional in photoshop, but thought it looked good enough on its own unfinished. Here are both versions.
MORE Andy Urzua inspired caricatures!
my partner in crime, Alison Gelbman(see her link on the right side of my blog) came by the studio the other day all excited about Andy Urzua. Unlike me, Alison had the opportunity to see Andy and pick his artistic brain at the recent NCN Convention held in Raleigh, NC this year. As is our habit when we get together, we tried to crack the code of our favorite artist, (this week its Andy) and drew a ton of pictures trying to imitate his style. I came up with my version of an Andy-esque caricature of me and Alison that I really love.
One of the greatest things about the NCN is coming in contact with a diverse group of artists from around the world whose approaches to caricature are totally unlike your own. It's fun to experiment with different styles and add them to your own as well. Andy won an award for best party style and i can see why because drawing like this is just plain FUN to do!
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Aussie was glad to be in New Yawk!
He got on with his wife and kid at Howard Beach Station on November 21st. the day that I wuz subwaysurfing with my pals from the NCN. We had just said goodbye to Paul Moyse as we dropped him off at The JFK Airtrain at Howard Beach, when I saw this guy get on. At first i wanted to draw his wife, but she immediately diverted my attention to him, and I was glad she did because he was sooooo interesting to draw! He was an Aussie who by his own admition was glad to be in New Yawk. I gave him the first two caricatures I did of him and kept the best one for myself. You can see the pre draw of this in a previous post on the 21 of November.
He had a reaaaaaallly rough face with a LOTTTTAAAA Razor stubble! his face was so rough you could easily strike a match on it!
Gym teacher needs a whistle
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Monday, November 24, 2008
Dont 4 get 2 Duck
Illustration Friday.com Sketch SUBJECT: OPINION
I recently discovered a great site called, "illustration Friday" that posts a weekly topic, like the site, "Art Jumble" does, and you are free to illustrate it. I love participating in these things as it keeps your illustration skills sharp, helps create a body of work, and for me, as a caricature artist, gives context to some of the faces that Ive drawn randomly on the train. The most recent topic is OPINION so here's my take on it.
When you have TWO opinionated people talking to each other, it's no longer a conversation, it's a war of words emotion and sound! better duck and cover! I drew these two fellas on the subway a few months back, and it seemed to fit the topic of OPINIONS for this week.
Some people are SO opinionated that they have to stretch their mouths open to make sure they get ALL their opinions out!...Do YOU know someone like that??
Sunday, November 23, 2008
Spot light on Sean Gardner
He was feeling blue about sumthin...
marriage proposal caricature
Saturday was bitterly cold, my fingers were freezing, my knees knocking together, and I had to go to the bathroom reaaaaal bad!!! so what was I doing at Central park??? Helping a guy propose to his bride, what else??? I love doing these type of caricatures the best since the reactions of the would be bride are always heartwarming. A woman who doesnt love caricature doesnt have a sense of humour, period in my opinion, and judging how his bride to be laughed, it's going to be a happy marriage. I threw in a more exaggerated freebie for the happy couple as well.
I took these pics with my trusty digital camera and got made the prints lickidy split at my neighborhood Walmart, as is my habit. When I went to pay for them, the cashier behind the counter, looked at my pics, looked at my face, and exclaimed, : Hey , I know you! You're the dude who draws on the train all the time! I've seen you!" It made my day.
Friday, November 21, 2008
A few ACTION Shots
A couple of shots of me from two weeks ago when a bunch of international NCN members from Japan and Europe along with Alison and Andy from San Diego, went nuts on the A train going to the JFK Howard Beach Station. Great time! I was so into drawing that I didnt know the pics were being taken, now that's focusing! I wanted to draw the lady on my left, who is holding the baby,(She had a MASSIVE forehead) But she quickly diverted my attention to her husband, who I drew three times and gave two of the pictures. I will post the one I did of him in another post.
Andy and I drew the man with the glasses who Paul Moyse found out was traveling to England like he was. The man thought we were Paul's entourage and found it amazing that Paul actually did caricature for a LIVING and kept asking him about it. will post this guy's picture later also.
Im using my portable "caricature case" that was a gift from Adam Pate. It's great for subwaysurfing and a lot less cumbersome than a giant 11x14 pad that I used to use.
Tuesday, November 18, 2008
a depressed self portrait
chris chua/Adam Pate inspired sketch
I had a gig where I tried to channel chris chua's drawing style. It was great! the pics flew outta my hands I did them entirely in pencil and everyone loved em.
Actually now that I look at this more, i would say that Ive been influenced also by my bud, Cleveland caricature artist, Adam Pate, who had a great minimilist style and is truely one of the fastest caricature artists Ive ever seen.
Actually now that I look at this more, i would say that Ive been influenced also by my bud, Cleveland caricature artist, Adam Pate, who had a great minimilist style and is truely one of the fastest caricature artists Ive ever seen.
Finished subway presketch
Monday, November 17, 2008
Two pre sketches on the train
Subway sketch... she tried to hide
Spot light on Chris Chua
See that website link? go to it immediately and you'll be blown away by a brilliant caricature artist, named Chris Chua.
Chris is a member of The NCN, The National Caricaturists Network, which recently has expanded and is NOW known as the ISCA, The International Society of Caricatue Artists.
But that's another story. More about Chris....
Chris is a true visionary, and draws caricatures literally like no one else Ive ever seen. While most caricatures artists see faces through the lens of a "funhouse mirror", Chris sees them through a CRACKED Funhouse mirror put bnack together with crazy glue and scotch tape.
He is a sort of "caricature Expressionist" who drawins are geometric sometimes, liquified othertimes Its really hard to describe, but always a pleasure to watch. Which is what i encourage you to do a lot of!
I often tell people that there are as many styles of caricature as there are personalities on planet earth. The beauty of this artform lies in the fact that it gets filtered through the personality of each individual artist and comes out in surprising ways. It is for this reason that you should never focus SO MUCH on another artist's work that you throw up your hands and say, " I could never do that!" the truth is you CANT, and most of all SHOULDNT. I recall Chris getting some criticism for drawing in his style by some members but he stuck to his creative vision, and is now doing stuff that no one can imitate. It's one of the reasons I admire him as an artist in an industry where there are so many imitators.
Friday, November 14, 2008
Feelin blue...
Got some really bad news today and feeling literally kinda blue so this pic fits my mood. The MTA has a program that they've had for years where they commission city artists to have their work immortalized in the subway. They literally use a process where it's tiled into the wall. It so happens that Three stations in the rockaways where I live needed art and i figured being a residnt and having my ongoing subwaysurfer project going that i would be a shoe in for the commission. Naturally I submitted my best work taken form what ive been doing here for the past few years, consisting of caricature montages color sketches as well as black and white. When the smoke cleared, I received a nice little letter thanking me for my participation but informing me that over 60 people submitted work and mine was not going to be chosen. Ints very hard being a professional artist at times. You want money sure, but you also want recognition. im no different, and sometimes get very sad about how some of my artistic efforts dont seem to pan out and yet people tell me Im "good",,,,,, It;s like the ugly girl who can always be the "best friend" but doesnt get invited to the prom....
At Sardis....again
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
caricature montage
almost forgot how much fun doing these caricature montages were. Decided to just do pen and ink and give pencil a break today. This was orginally drawn on tracing paper with a Pitt Brush pen, thrown into photoshop to give it those nice variations of gray.
The guy with the long nose really looked like hip hop dancer, "Mr. Wiggles" from the Electric Boogaloos. He DOES live in New York, and i even took one of his Dance classes once.I punked out of saying AHello though....
Sunday, November 09, 2008
sketches from the upcomingsemi auto biographical comix of the surfer...
Ive been a fan of small press for years, particularly auto biographical ones, but never had the nerve to do one of my own. At the urging of fellow caricature artist, Mark Zman, (who I just did another gig with at Sardi's recently) Ive decided to jump in and make one, just for the fun of it. Mark, a comic creator himself, just returned from the San Francisco Comic Con, small press "thingie" and got me all excited about making some comics myself and at least have them ready to display if an opportunity presented itself. I figured that since i already had taken the step to print some books already, I might as well indulge myself further by doing this. The subject matter? what else but my adventures as the subwaysurfer and as a professional caricature entertainer. I have MORE than my share of wacky stories, so content should NOT be a problem.
I dont EXPECT to get rich off of this, but knowing me, I'll find SOME kind of way to make my new hobby pay. In the meantime, enjoy the sketches here, there will be more to come.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Caricatures of two dudes with glasses
I love drawing guys with glasses. Its soooo much fun to caricature the glasses going INTO the eyes. Before i had my lasik surgery i was glind as the proverbial bat and saw best when the glasses were practically IN my eyes! I always had this image in my head and knew that it had to be hilarious to other people who made me the butt of their jokes...(I aint bitter, heck it was funny, and if you cant laugh at yourself, you dont belong in this business!)
It amazes me how so many people fight baldness to the death trying desperately to give themselves a sense of style. The dude with the braided pony tail thought he looked soooo cool, but the peak at the top of his head made him look comical. The other guy looked like he walked right off the pages of an R Crumb Comic.
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Union Square Street Vendor
Some faces you just GOTTA draw, and this vendor was one of them. While setting up one day I noticed this extremely tall very intense looking individual standing by some beautiful paintings and commented that i was a caricature artist and thought his intense look would be interesting to caricature and asked to snap a photo. He gladly posed much to my delight and this is the result of my study. The weathers gotten a bit colder so I dont get out as much , but as soon as i run into him again i will give him the picture. This guy has a great face for character design in that he can play both villan or hero. Theres this Dark edge about his face that makes him interesting to watch. This sketch is the result of observing him outdoors for a couple of days taking a couple of pics , all of swhich are not displayed here, and also doing many many drawings of him until i got one that I was satisfied with. Good caricature takes a LOT of time to do, and in the old days if i couldnt get a picture on the first or second try,I abandoned the whole project. These days I like to struggle with the process a little more and I am always satisfied with what comes out.