Monday, February 11, 2008

EEE HEE HEE!! It's Wacko Jacko!

Always Wanted to Do Michael Jackson, but until now never had an "excuse". I found a site called the Caricature Challenge, and one of the challenges was to draw Michael Jackson. They provided the Photo, and even though you could use your own I wanted to draw Michael in his "wacko jacko" mode.
The thing that hurts is that even though he's nuts I really do love his music. He is one heck of a performer.
Here are the various stages of the drawing.

Got cha game face on.

I got caurght riding the L train during school hours at 3pm today. This is something I genrally try to avoid as there is usually too much...energy and "drama" on the train arond that time and I just prefer a more relaxed risde when Im drawing.

Still... if one MUST draw....
I found myself drwn to the ONE guys face. (pun unintended) He was alone and had this scowling "game " face froxen in place. It seemed to say, "Im a tough guy! Dont bother me!" " I dont need a gang!!" I felt a little sorry that some teenagers have to play this role just to survive their afternoon commute and get home unharmed.

This other guy.. ha! he wuz just FUNNY to draw! Loved that unibrow, even from the side view!