Found these old caricatures i did in 2006 on another site and decided to post em here. I think its great to see how much Ive progressed> I was just starting to do exaggeration here and did a lot of full body stuff too.The first one was a gift caricature of a businessman who was a little too busy. His co worker, who hired me, explained that he was the type of person who worked so much that he literally slept in his office(hence the pillow under his arm), that he survived on pots of coffee, and loved fine wine, and for recreation he played soccer. She also informed me that as busy as he was, he was somewhat disorganized, and always had papers in disarray and sometimes lost things like his briefcase. I love it when a client gives me a LOT of information so that i can formulate an effective gag for the gift caricature. I dont always get an opportunity to use each particular quirk, but this time It all fit. When doing gift caricature people rarely want something super duper exaggerated, but just enough to make it fun. Thats one of the reasons that i experiment with so many styles here from cartoony to semi photoraalistic exaggeration. Its great to have a big toolbox that you can go into to fit a particular project.
The man with the glass was someone I did at a labor day party in 2006. Everyone at the party was super rich super snoppy and trying to not have a good time! I drew this guy on the sneak.
The other two were drawn on public transportation. The Girl had HUGE round breasts that looked like they would literally pop as well as her round baloon like face! i thought the combo was hilarious. I just may draw her again in my hyper exaggerated style to see how much funnier I can make it.