Friday, January 21, 2011

ipad caricature of DRAKE By Subwaysurfer

Drake has a face that was made for caricature. Dont know if anyone else has ever drawn him. This too is part of a freelance assignment for the same client who wanted one of Nikki Minaj. Whatever he's cookin up, its gonna be GOOD! Really enjoyed drawing this!! I think I'll do another just for fun! LOL!
The initial line work for this was drawn with the Utretcht Design Markers, uploaded, and then colored in the Art Studio App on the IPAD. I swear by ALL of these tools now for giving me the color quality and line effects I need to make my illustrations come to life!

ipad caricature of Female Rapper Nikki Minaj

Im currently working on a project with a client who requested a caricature of Female Rapper Nikki Minaj. I normally dont listen to this genre of music too much so I didnt know who she was. When i got some  reference photos, I couldnt wait to draw the caricature. I dont know what the client has in store... actually I do, since weve worked before,LOL! it ought to be good. It was a challenge caricaturing Nikki, because like most attractive women theres its hard to eaggerate  facial features. However, Nikki has these superhuman, ah.. attributes that make her instantly recognizable.

These Pictures were created with a combination of tools including the Double sided Utretcht Design Markers, amd colored in the Art Studio App on the IPAD. I swear by ALL of these tools now for giving me the color quality and line effects I need to make my illustrations come to life!