Tuesday, October 11, 2011


A couple of years ago, cartoonist/marketer extraordinare, Bruce Blitz made the observation about me that although I was adept at drawing exaggerated caricatures, a semi realism, that I was, as he put it, "A cartoonist, FIRST!" He was definitely right. Cartooning is my first love, and I love to incorporate it into my own caricature style. I'm inspired by other great caricature/cartoonists like Kenny Durkin, Pete Emslie, Steve Silver, Hrschfeld, and the afore mentioned Bruce Blitz.

Although each artist has their own signature style, each share that intangible element of clean crisp design of their characters.
The concept of good design is somewhat elusive, but it's a combination of clear flowing economy of line, store clear geometric shapes, and easily identifiable curves and straights. When these elements are present in ones work, the cartoon/caricature takes on a personality that makes their characters instant,y recognizable, and pleasing to the eye.

When putting together your cartoons always strive for goid clean design. Start learning by copying the work of other artists who embody this quality. In time you will learn it by imitation.trust me, it's worth it. It helps to pretend that you are part of a production team of animators, and ten other artists have to copy your design. This exercise will develop your design skills in no time, and you'll have a new skill under your belt....Character Designer!


Have you ever heard the term, "Starving Artist" there's a reason for this. Truth be told, most artists are "starving" in the sense of personal prosperity. Niw all prosperity means is INCREASE. So when I say prosperity, I mean Increase, advancement, progression in all areas: social, amongst ones peers, professionally, in terms of clients and sphere of influence, and of course, financial. Prosperity has to do with a posture, a mindset, an attitude. When I was a younger artist, I thought that all I had to do was show up with my ability, and I would get the job. Sadly, in a lot if cases, I didn't. What's worse was the jobs I did manage to get paid so marginally, it was like working for free. As you might expect, I approached every job with a "let's see if this works, I hope it does" mindset, and correspondingly I spoke hesitantly, and unauthoritatively, and dressed like a bum...heck, I looked like I was starving, and was treated as such. I can literally recall clients saying to me, " I'm giving you this job, just so I can help you out, so you can get exposure"
I was tired of this, and knew that I needed a change.
I asked my Father for help, and being the wise guy that HE is, I finally began to listen. First thing I did was to see myself as HEE saw me. That I was loved, valued and affirmed. I began to hang on the words he said concerning me, and slowly my attitude and self esteem changed. I began to speak positive words over myself, and instead of waiting for things to happen, I put my nose to the grindstone and worked.
Working hard is one way of presenting your best self, to yourself, and to God.
He's my Father, by the way. There's a passage if scripture that says that whatever your hands find to do, that you do it with all your might, and that one should do ones work, enthusiastically as unto the Lord. I dud that and began to see results that were tangible. I've also had a few things miraculously drop in my lap too, just another by product of getting in alignment, and presenting my best self everyday.
Once my attitude changed, I actually became more relaxed. I no longer felt anxious and nervous, trying to "fake the funk" wearing a mask of false vibrado. Instead, I became eloquent, articulate and decisive in my speech, with just the right amount of HUMOUR. Those who couldn't accept me, were just not "my clients". I was able to accept peoples right to refusal, and move on. I did notice, there were a lot LESS refusals though... Oh yeah, about the dressing it became much classier. No more jeans and tee shirts. Clothes "really do make the man" and I've noticed a marked increase in personal confidence when I'm quote,"dressed".
The last secret is that you have to be committed to doing your best everyday. If you let thins slip, you'll slide gradually back into starving artist, failure mode... Trust me, been there done that too.

Wow. That was preachy.


In keeping with my policy of drawing outstanding customer service people, here is caricature of a CSR I drew recently who instructed me on how to upload a number of films and pictures I recorded on my communication device.


Have you ever wondered how to draw a dragon dancing?, No? Well, how about a werewolf head? Not really?, c'mon, you must wonder how to draw a scared bear? Negative, you say? 
Well, this particular post isn't for YOU....and rightly so.

Because its for KIDS! 
Let me explain.

For the past couple of weeks, I've been  working with the folks at ehow.com in putting together a DRAWING 101 series, that focuses on beginning artists, KIDS! I like kids, after all, I used to be one! I was delighted when the folks at ehow approached me to do this, as it was something I've always wanted to do, just like two of my cartooning heroes, Bruce Blitz, and Mark Kisler.

Don't expect to see complicated, highly exaggerated drawing in this series, I'm not promoting myself as a caricature artist in this venue. This is a way of getting young artists started on their cartooning journey...some of which will get so good they will one day challenge me, but that's a risk I'm willing to take!

I filmed  a little over 90 instructional videos with ehow, which can be viewed at this site

DRAWING 101 for kids ehow.com

Be in the lookout for my CARTOONING FOR KIDZ  book  that will be out soon! 

Incidentally, if you ARE curious about seeing a Dragon Dance, check it out here



How to Draw a Dragon Dance —powered by eHow.com