Monday, January 21, 2008
Random Sketches
Sometimes when Im sketching on the subway, some people just remind me of animals. Maybe its something about the way they gesture or move, mabye its just a crazy vibe they have. The top guy kind of reminded me of a subway Ratt. His looked intense and suspicious, cunning... dangerous and a little scuzzy at the same time.
I really HATE starbucks coffee! the coffee is TOOOOO strong, it burns your insides and i cant seem to stop drinking it!! lol! I did the caricature of one of the guys wo always serves me in the location across the street from Brooklyn College. I often would meet clients there drinking gallons of this nasty coffee...
Its actually pretty rare to see "older" businessmen types during rush hour, like the guy I captured here. It seems that all you see in suits these day are twenty or thirty something CEO's , and this guy seemed to be a throwback to the "old skol" businessmen I remember from "back in the day." He even had the "black power suit" on...
I like that last drawing- it's simplicity is descriptive and well exaggerated. Great drawing.