Wednesday, February 06, 2008

bakk to basics....

While drawing at a gig with fellow caricature artist, Ed Steckley, (http://www.edsteckley.com/links.asp) I noticed that instead of drawing with a marker, like I, and other caricature artists normally do, he was drawing people in pencil. After the gig i asked him why he did this. the asy answer was that he liked it, but was also to plan out exaggeration a lot easier with it than with pen, where you had to commit to a line. That made total sense to me , so I ''ve started using it also. I already can draw FAST with pen, but at a previous gig i drew 30 caricatures in 1 hour and 30 minutes, a personal record for me. The pencil puts you more in a "relaxed, sketching " mode, and it sure is economical! No tool is as basic as the old reliable pencil!

Here are a few subway pencil sketches done on 8x11 off white coverstock that I purchad at staples . Im using a thick creatacolor model pencil.


  1. Good Stuff Elgin,
    That's cool you got to work with Ed.
    How's the animation stuff going?

  2. I sat right next to Ed (Joe was also at the gig) at an event at Chelsea Piers Skyrink that was some kind of event for families of Thr NY Rangers Hockey Team.
    The animation stuff is goin okay. I did an anamatic for McFrank and Williams advertizing that I cant show anyone, and just completed another installment of The Gorge Bush Job Interviews for Snidetv.com
    We are going to do one more short and then call it a wrap for this series.

  3. Great sketches, Elgin. Interesting boobs on the woman- they look like they could double as a nose as well.

    I've thought about drawing in pencil at gigs as well, but I always think I have to be bold so others can see it at a distance... Maybe I'll try some in the Park this Summer...

  4. AWESOME WORK MAN!! is your book out yet?!?!?

    I gave you a link on my blog
    keep on drawing

  5. Hey Dan, thanks for asking about the book. Yes, it is out. You can purchase it directly through me. Ive printed soe limited edition copies for 25.00 sold through paypal. My paypal address is cartoons4u2@aol.com
