Looks like Im getting the hang of drawing Obama! and I will have four more years to practice. This Toon is another in the series of Tract illustrations for World Outreach Evangelical Ministries. I really feel bad for Obama in a way. He's got a LOOOOOOT on his back, The war, the economy, and the hopes and dreams of the American people who seem to want to make him the end all and be all, kind of like a Messiah figure. That's a lot of pressure for any flawed human being to handle.
Hey Elgin- I had a great time talking to you about Wiong Chun and everything else the other night at the party for my wife's company in the Hudson Hotel. Thanks for making an otherwise stuffy, stodgy and dull evening fun. Later...
Gary!!! you made good on your boast to contact me! excellent! glad you had a good time at the party! was it REALLY stuffy , stodgy, and dull? LOL! everyone sure was pretending to have a good time! LOL! great seeing you, and I willdefinitely visit your blog.