Thursday, January 28, 2010

Same face, different style...

Believe it or not, even though we're all individuals with distinct personalities, habits, and mannerisms, people STILL think that "all caricature artists draw the same". Frequently when Im doing retail caricature and I ask people if they'd like to be drawn, they sometimes say, "oh I GOT ONE OF THOSE already" as if its the same thing as buying an orange of something......
The truth is that any given artist draws the same face in a variety of ways basedon a variety of different factors including tools used, the artists mood, personal feelings towards the subject, or at the risk of sounding "spacey" the "energy" a given subject is projecting. Take This example for instance. Same face, two different treatments. The one of the left is "cartoony" simplified, something that you might see in an animated drawing, while the other is semi realistic.This guy's face had something undefinable in it that prompted me to draw hism in two ways and BOTH interpretations are equally valid. In doing two seperate caricatues like this, I usually draw the more "realistic" version first, then, taking the essential characterstics from the caricature, I use them to make a more simplified drawing. Its great fun, and easy to do.
Viva La Difference! It's what makes caricature MORE fun than simply "drawing a portrait. Booooooooooorinnnnnnng!!!!


  1. Great post and subject. I agree that variety is what makes caricatures fun, interesting and appealing. However, I see too many artists drawing in certain styles which limit the possibilities in variety. The latest one to catch on is the digital painting which I'm sorry to say is boring the crap out of me. Although each artist inherently will draw differently, most people who offer this style seem to do the exaggerate the same things and frankly few are funny and interesting to look at once you get past the initial awe of the realistic rendering. Same with theme park artists, same techniques same gags. Only the truly good artists add their own unique touches, but let's face it, most artists out there are mere posers and wannabes who are ruining caricature's reputation. I personally like the classic and the "line drawing" branch of caricatures, or even better, "cartoony" style of which you seem to be a member. I believe it provides the most opportunity for variety. So, keep up the good work. I find your caricatures funny and pleasing to look at and I visit your blog often.

  2. Oh man, dude you are "preaching to the chior" LOL! I so wholeheartedly agree with EVERYTHING you said! You are so right, expecially about the latest trend in "digital caricature" painting that is all the rage today. I am versatile in a lot of styles, from highly exaggerated and semi realistic, to minimilistic and iconic. You were right in "nailing me" as leaning more towards the cartoony/line drawing school which I AM a cartoonist at heart.
    Caricature SHOULD be line a person's handwriting: distinct and purely individual, where instead it becomes, at times, this assembly line thing, where there's such a sameness and predictability about it that I the casual observer, almost cant HELP saying, "yeah, I got one of THOSE" and hence, doesnt need "ANOTHER ONE" which he feels will look exactly the same.
    Thanks for the post!

  3. I've been enjoying all the new stuff on your blog Eglin keep it up.
