Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Elgin Bolling Featured on The Erik Dillard Vocal Clinic.

What's up Surfer fans! Good things happen to those who give! Ya know, Even though I draw for a living, sometimes it pays just to GIVE PERIOD for the sake of GIVING. Case in point is my recent caricature of Erik Dillard, of the hit online show, THE VOCAL CLINIC. To make a long story short, I loved his show, his vocal exercises helped my voice, and I wanted to show my appreciation in a tangible way, so I drew his picture. He then, did ME a favor by giving me a major shout out on his show!! and man, does he have a VAST audience!!! This is Something he DID NOT HAVE to do, but it goes to show you that true giving is like a virus!!! it has a tendency to spread once you come in contact with it. As far as social media is concerned, its not about sell sell sell, you, you, you, all the time. YOU MUST DO STUFF FOR OTHER PEOPLE. It always comes back to you. I know that Erik and I will be doing a lot of business in the future. Yu can guarantee that.

AGAIN, if you people out there are aspiring musicians, PLEASE check out his site!!! You WONT be sorry and your voice will love you for it!

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