Thursday, October 07, 2010

BRUCE BLITZ INTERVIEW!! By Elgin Subwaysurfer Bolling

Hi! As Promised, I caught up with Bruce Blitz, who was gracious enough to grant me a short interview. Bruce, I realize Im asking you questions that may give others the secret of your success, so feel free to be as vague as you want! LOL :

There is/was no secret to my success. I just worked hard. I will say though... that I changed the way that I approached things like organization, diligence and a different way of dealing with things like rejection and bumps in the business road. I didn't used to be that way but knew that I had to learn those things if I wanted to get ahead. I read a lot of success type books around that time.

It must have been challenging at the time as a relative unknown artist to get his own TV SHOW that showcased his art HOW did you do this?

It was hard, but as I said, I learned to not let rejection get me down. I just kept trying. Before I knew it I wasn't as unknown anymore and things got easier! It's a momentum thing.

You’re obviously a marketing genius by evidence of the fact that your products have remained in the marketplace for so long. What do you attribute to that success?

I was not a marketing genius. Quite the opposite. People only see the results of what DID work, so quite naturally they think that it was easy for me. I made many mistakes and learned on the fly. I didn't give up. Sometimes we, as people, like to think that someone who succeeded at something (it could be anything) had some extra special super power..it let's all of us off the hook for ever trying. Like "Oh, I could never do that...blah blah"

Did you come up with these lessons on your own?:

Yes, I created the material for my books, kits, videos and Television series based on how I thought as a kid about cartooning. I aways try to remember to include the basics in my lessons. It's easy for someone who knows how to do something well... to forget how at one time they didn't know where to begin. I tried never to lose that way of thinking.

Who were/are YOUR artistic inspirations?:

I grew up on MAD magazine and DC comics and Marvel and anything with cartoons on or in it!! I really like Jack Davis, Drucker and the list would be too long, but you get the idea.

A lot of people don’t know this about you, but you’re a concert pianist, and a GOOD one. I’ve heard you play. With the way technology combines, visual images, and sound and movies, are their any plans to do anything that integrates your music with your cartooning?:

Thanks but I am not concert level at all. I can't read music. I played in rock bands since the 1060s. I wrote and performed all the music for my videos and my TV series "Cartooning with Blitz". My music was nominated for an Emmy...(which I didn't win @#$%^&!)

A lot of people don’t realize that you are also a caricature artist. I know these a section in one of your books that showcase your work, and Ive seen it personally at NCN Conventions. Are you Still doing that?:

;I own and operate 2 caricature concessions at Citizens Bank Park, the home of the Phillies! This is our 7th year. I drew there for the first 3 years but not so much now. I love drawing caricatures!!

Any current projects or recent successes that you’d care to share with us?:

I am working on many new projects that will be out soon!!

What’s the single most important thing a professional artist needs to do to be successful?:

To remember that even Jack Davis started at the beginning once! Every professional was once an amature. I could go on spouting motivational sayings here but will spare you. Let me just say practice is the key!!

Bruce I’ve already informed my readers, about how you were impressed with my work after viewing it some years ago, so…. If you want to give a review of My work, and your impressions , feel free to do so now…. Basically I’m asking for a shameless plug, here, GO!! :

I am a huge fan of Elgin's work! I remember when I first saw his drawings. The bold line and direct approach to what/who he was drawing caught my eye immediately. It's real cartooning. He is a great "cross hatcher" too. His work stands out because it doesn't look like anyone elses and is funny. His sense of humor together with his drawing style is what cartooning is all about...a funny drawing expressing a funny idea!!! Keep on cartoonin' Elgin!!
Your friend Bruce Blitz

Thank You Bruce, for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this interview! there was certainly a LOT to learn! First off, Bruce's success did NOT come overnight, he did not "get a lucky break" but created his OWN luck by showing up, trying new things, failing, and then trying again. As he pointed out we only SEE the RESULTS of his SUCCESSFUL efforts, not his failures that led up to that success and made him wiser. 
Whats also important to point out is the value of using ALL of your skills in order to promote your product. I'm sure that if Bruce would have had to hire a "professional musician" to do his music ,the cost would have been considerable, and someone ELSE  could have bragged that they helped to "make the show successful". It Pays to be a do it yourself-er, and although Bruce ISN'T by his own admission a Concert Level Pianist, HIS ORIGINAL MUSIC was good enough to get an EMMY NOMINATION!   You Go! BRUCE!

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