Wednesday, October 06, 2010


Imagine the SUBWAYSURFER'S Surprise when he turned on his computer and read this story on Yahoo News by Staff Writer, Pete DONOHUE. (see story below) The Subways where Yours truly does all his Extreme Life Drawing is FINALLY getting Wired and coming into the future that we all always envisioned in those JETSONS cartoons!! 

I wont talk about the potential dangers of having us wired in the subways... for now.... instead, lets focus on the possibilities....

 Drawing/Caricaturing Possibilities... to be exact.... heh, heh..

It's hard enough drawing commuters when they're tired , stressed bored and agitated because they have nothing to do while underground, with the introduction of wireless acess, they all will now be so happily occupied that they will be to busy talking, texting, and "inter-netting" ....gee, is that a word???... to even notice The Subwaysurfer Drawing their happy occupied faces!!! whats MORE is that I TOO can bring my digital devices on the train and happily  bring digital pictures straight to YOU AS THEY HAPPEN!!! according to the article  excerpt below,  My main line, THE A  is definitely getting it... Im waiting with baited breath....

Pete Donohue, Daily News Staff Writer
Six subway stations should be wired for cell phone service by the end of next year - with the rest of the underground system not far behind, authorities said.
Transit Wireless has until the middle of 2012 to provide service in the stations, but CEO Chris Jaeger said yesterday he expects the work will be done six months earlier.
Jaeger said he also expects all 277 underground stations to be wired before the 2016 contract deadline.
The first to get cell service include five stations beneath W. 14th St. on the A, C, E, L, 1, 2, 3, V and F lines.
The sixth station is W. 23 St./8th Ave., which serves the C and E lines.
Trains are not expected to have service between stations.

Transit Wireless, meanwhile, has just inked agreements with AT&T and T-Mobile to carry their signals on the communications system being built at no cost to the MTA. The company is still negotiating with other carriers.

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