Thursday, June 30, 2011

Sprint store salesman Daniel Jacobs Sheepshead bay



This is a special shout out to DANIEL  The Sprint representative at On Top Communications. The store is located at 1743 Sheephead Bay Rd Bklyn, NY. The dynamic, Daniel Jacobs,sold me my NEW Optimus LG Phone. When it comes to phones, I pretty much always felt that I never needed all the bells and whistles, currently being advertised by Sprint and other dealers. Daniel was so persuasive and patient in answering my questions, that when he finally brought me my phone I literally did the snoopy happy dance of joy. My new Optimus LG is fantastic! Its got some many toys on it I almost ditched my ipad! The reception is clear, I can go online virtually anywhere, it's got a great camcorder than enables the Subwaysurfer to do even more videos on location, and a camera that takes crystal clear shots. The speaker is more like a mini megaphone! Dan is a dynamite salesman, very knowledgeable and has this cool toothpickk that never seems to fall outta his mouth when he talks. Check out his store in Sheep head bay you wont be disappointed.

As is my habit, when I get great customer service, I usually do a caricature of the person. I found out that Daniel is also a graffiti art enthusiast, so he went nuts over the idea of me caricaturing him.

This picture has him SPRINTING to give you fabulous service, which he definitely will. Make sure you Sprint down to his store to get the best deal today.

Oh, one mre thing... Dans store is a literal stones throw from some of the best restaurants in Brooklyn, that overlook the bay. After you buy your phone, celebrate with a delicious meal, and treat yourself to a boat ride! What could better?


If you're thinking to yourself, "boy, I bet that Daniel Jacobs guy is getting some new business every time some one checks out his picture on this blog!" You're absolutely right! DANIEL knows how to think outside the box, how about YOU?

Let me create a cool caricature advertisement for YOUR business, to put in all your social media outlets including my popular blog here. The cost is more affordable than you think, and as a Creative Caricature Marketing Consultant, I don't "just draw you a picture" but help you formulate a strategy for online visibility and success. Just like Daniel Jacobs here.

Drop me a line at cartoons4u2@aol.com for details

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