Thursday, January 16, 2014


I had privilege in December to do a job for Microsopft at  theirGreat Neck Long Island location.  . My job was to demonstrate the capabilities of their Surface Pro drawing tablet using their FRESH PAINT App. The job was a lot of fun as I drew shoppers who braved a major snowstorm at the time! As I drew on the Surface Pro my work was shown on a giant screen opposite the Microsoft Store in the Mall.

I appreciated the help I got from the Staff at the Microsoft Store so much that I drew several of them on my Ipad Art Studio App as thanks for a wonderful time  Just to clear up any confusion I drew these caricatures OFF SITE  and NOT on the actual job. To use an APPLE product and Software on a Microsoft job would have been tasteless, disrespectful and stupid not to mention rude!   As Ive done with many of my clients after a satisfying job, I will draw mini gift caricatures of them as a way of thanking them. Since I d not personally own Surface Pro or Fresh Paint i simply used what I had available , namely the Ipad and Art studio. In no way was this meant to be a DIS to the People at Microsoft.  Here are some of the pictures.

The "OH! What FUN! " Phrase was the stores tag line for the Holiday Season.


  1. What is your intent behind your comment about using your Ipad app to draw the store employees. Seems a bit snarky considering MS just paid you (I'm assuming you were paid)to demonstrate the drawing power of Surface with Fresh Paint. If you don't believe the Surface is a viable tool for the work you do, why did you agree to take this gig?

  2. Judging from your comment I see I didn't make myself clear enough on why I drew
    the employees on iPad's Art Studio app instead of Microsoft Surface Pro using
    Fresh Paint.
    I agree that it would've been insulting and rude to use Apples products while
    been paid by Microsoft
    That's why these drawings were NOT done on the actual job site. I drew these as
    an after thought many days after the job ended. My intention was to show my appreciation in a tangible way to the staff members for assisting me with a great job, NOT to demonstrate the superiority of Apple products and rub it in their faces. That would be stupid, and Ive been a professional too many years to be stupid.to
    My reason for using the Ipad and the Art Studio software to draw these gift caricatures is simple: I don't have Surface Pro or Fresh Paint. I used what I had to draw the gift. Simple as that. Had I not had the Ipad I probably would've done it with pen and ink scanned the drawings and sent them off in an email.

    I've done this for other clients also, so this isn't unusual for me o do

    Bottom line is that I drew this on my own time. My intention has NEVER been to be disrespectful to a paying client. Ive updated my original post to prevent someone else from getting the same wrong opinion of me. Thanks for bringing ti to my attention. I agree that the original wording of it made me seem like a bit of an insensitive jerk. I really must pay more attention to my writing to avoid future misunderstanding.

  3. Hi Elgin, I've been watching your YouTube videos and have read your blog here in there. Your work is amazing and even with 11 years in the field I still get tons of new tips and ideas from you. I have an iPad and Art Studio for doing caricature gigs as well, however I've had my eye on the surface pro after trying it out a couple times at the local Microsoft store. From what I saw I didn't see Fresh Paint working well for color caricatures as I didn't see an option for layers when I was playing around with it, but I could see Photoshop on the Surface Pro as a good combination. In your opinion since you've done live work with both, which would you prefer? I have a hang up with Artstudio as it likes to crash before I can finish a drawing sometimes, usually a few times during a gig forcing me to start the drawing over.

  4. Hi Elgin, I've been watching your YouTube videos and have read your blog here in there. Your work is amazing and even with 11 years in the field I still get tons of new tips and ideas from you. I have an iPad and Art Studio for doing caricature gigs as well, however I've had my eye on the surface pro after trying it out a couple times at the local Microsoft store. From what I saw I didn't see Fresh Paint working well for color caricatures as I didn't see an option for layers when I was playing around with it, but I could see Photoshop on the Surface Pro as a good combination. In your opinion since you've done live work with both, which would you prefer? I have a hang up with Artstudio as it likes to crash before I can finish a drawing sometimes, usually a few times during a gig forcing me to start the drawing over.

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