The gurl in the army hat was talking up such a storm that I feared her mouth would catch on fire. All I could sww was hat hair and Teeth.... The 2nd young lady ACTUALLY REQUESTED a caricature...yes, folks it DOES happen. After observing me draw a couple of passengers for a while she finally commented on how well i drew an Asian gentlemen sitting across from me...who was a little uncomfortable... and a couple of tourists who boarded the train at the Howard Beach Stop. "How would you draw ME?" she asked. "are you sure you want THIS??" I replied, as it was unusual for anyone to request a picture, and she nodded yes. I did a rough sketch of the caricature on display here, and she was shocked to say in the least. To soften the blow, I did a more toned down "party style" caricature for her in full color, that she adored. She took down my contact information, and hopefully will be buying ONE OF THESE GREAT BOOKS I AM SELLING HER.... HINT...... As i was getting off the train, another woman who was watching the show, asked for information. You gotta love this subwaysurfin!