Thursday, May 01, 2008

These aint yo' Mama's Mermaids...

Ive joined an online drawing group called Art Jumble, recently (see sidebar) and have been having a blast. Each week an assignment is given and whoever wants to upload drawings relevant to the weeks topic do so at will. This week's topic is "Mermaids" and for some reason I couldnt help but think fo various ways I could clown the little mermaid character AND make a statement about how mermaids are normally depicted in cartoons in general. One burning question I have is "how in the world do Mermaids go to the bathroom?" there seems to be no exit passage...
I hope viewing these images will encourage other artists to check out the site. Its a great way to get insp.iration, and build up a body of work.

I aint "political" He just has a funny face....

Found this old sketch of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad I did last year in between clients when I was drawing caricatures on the street. Man! I forgot howfunny lookin this guy really is!