I remember drawing the guest of honor at a Bat Mitzvah, and needless to say, the 13 yo gurl/woman I was drawing had....er..."big lungs". She was very popular I imagine that day with the 13 yo boy/men who were in attendance. I couldnt help thinking of this cartoon that I WANTED to draw, but DARED NOT draw at the party! Her parents would've killed me! LOL!
I was also in a fast food joint with another young miss with big lungs who undoubtedly made a lot of boys forget their order...
While at the same party this guy comes up in a good mood and he's wearing braces. Most people are really self concious about me drawing the and I asked him if I could . He gave a big smile and a thumbs up, literally, and said GO FOR IT DUDE! It made a great picture. I was in Starbucks and saw this guy just staring into space absent mindedly holding his coffee cup. He really looked like a parrot that just escaped and was wondering what the heck happened to his cage...