This is a caricature of the lovely, Amanda Gershkowitz, who is the Casting Associate Producer for ABC families hit reality show 'Wife Swap.'
Amanda contacted the Surfer the other day because The people at the Wife Swap show
were casting for their fifth season, and were looking for CARICATURE ARTISTS/ COMIC BOOK ARTISTS!. I unfortunately did not meet all the criteria requirements for the show, but once she finds an artist with the right 'fit" then it's sure to be a spectable that must be seen. If you are unfamiliar with the show, It's a reality show where the wives are taken out of their home environment and transported into another with ...interesting results, as the family members attempt to adjust.
In appreciation for being asked to do the show I offered to draw Amanda's Picture here. Im relieved she liked it because I went far on the exaggeration.
As of this posting she hasnt found anyone YET to my knowledge, so All you caricature comic artists with spouses and kids living at home, if this is something that seems right for you, give her a call!...or rather give ME one. There is a "bounty" for finding the artist /family with the right "fit" and being the capatalist/opportunist that I am, I aint ashamed to say that I WANT IT!