Ive been a fan of small press for years, particularly auto biographical ones, but never had the nerve to do one of my own. At the urging of fellow caricature artist, Mark Zman, (who I just did another gig with at Sardi's recently) Ive decided to jump in and make one, just for the fun of it. Mark, a comic creator himself, just returned from the San Francisco Comic Con, small press "thingie" and got me all excited about making some comics myself and at least have them ready to display if an opportunity presented itself. I figured that since i already had taken the step to print some books already, I might as well indulge myself further by doing this. The subject matter? what else but my adventures as the subwaysurfer and as a professional caricature entertainer. I have MORE than my share of wacky stories, so content should NOT be a problem.
I dont EXPECT to get rich off of this, but knowing me, I'll find SOME kind of way to make my new hobby pay. In the meantime, enjoy the sketches here, there will be more to come.