Man if you think Im a creepy lookin adult, you would've lost your lunch lookin at me as a child! LOL! Heres a self portrait of me circa 1971 at 11 years old. Buck toothed, coke bottle glasses, pot belly, potruding butt, hunched shoulders, (also known as the "turtle posture" which comes from flinching because people are always takin swings at you!) and last but not least a lopsided afro....it WAS the seventies! LOL!!
this is a panel from a special Father's day strip Im putting together in honor of MY father, Clyde Bolling, whose intervention helped me through a difficult time, and set me on a truely life changing path. I plan on giving the comic to my dad on Father's day if I can complete it in time!!!! Gotta bet back to work! Stay tuned, it WILL be an entertaining read...
My life really DOES imitate art...
I really do look like a baby duck dont I??