A couple of shots of me from two weeks ago when a bunch of international NCN members from Japan and Europe along with Alison and Andy from San Diego, went nuts on the A train going to the JFK Howard Beach Station. Great time! I was so into drawing that I didnt know the pics were being taken, now that's focusing! I wanted to draw the lady on my left, who is holding the baby,(She had a MASSIVE forehead) But she quickly diverted my attention to her husband, who I drew three times and gave two of the pictures. I will post the one I did of him in another post.
Andy and I drew the man with the glasses who Paul Moyse found out was traveling to England like he was. The man thought we were Paul's entourage and found it amazing that Paul actually did caricature for a LIVING and kept asking him about it. will post this guy's picture later also.
Im using my portable "caricature case" that was a gift from Adam Pate. It's great for subwaysurfing and a lot less cumbersome than a giant 11x14 pad that I used to use.