Ive had this on my desk for a couple of months now working through it sllllllowwwly.... its my semi autobiographical account of a Junior High School incident between me, and a local school bully, Vinnie. I got stuck in the project until I began viewing some of Ralph Batski's films and noticed his raw use of animation with real life photography. This is not a "New" device, except for me, that is, and I really do like the results. The minicomic once completed, will be posted on my sequential art blog at
I also have plans for printed it out along with some others for the Moca Fest in NYC coming up in April next year. God willing, I will be ready to attend with a lot of my books. Stay tuned!
This particular Panel is one of the climax shots of the comic. I thought at first about coloring the characters, but in a kooky sort of way I kind of like that stark, black and white cutout look against the color background. I took the photo inside my kid's high school a couple of years back during an open school night. I knew I'd find a use for the photo. Did some manipulation in photo shop with the filters to give it a painted look.