The Wave reports frequently on both elected officials, so I get a chance to draw them frequently, as I do other elected officials as seen in the caricature below. While I did go for comical effect on Senator Smith(what can I say, he's just so much fun to draw!) I would have to say, with the exception of Gov Patterson, depicted as "Charlie Brown" everyone else, looks rather dashing! Even heroic by my visual interpretation.yes, the lips are prominent in all these men, as full lis are an African American trait, but there's no sign of explicit race bating parody in any of the drawings. I understand that audience reaction may vary, and I have no control of that.

Editorial Cartoon of Gov Paterson depicted as Charlie Brown Holding his poor "Political Report Card" much to the displeasure of NYC Black Leadership Power brokers, Al Sharpton, (top left,) Carl Mc Call (bottom left) Charles Rangle (bottom right)Greg Meeks (middle right) and Malcolm Smith (top right) drawn for The Wave Newspaper Far Rockaway NY
A series of recent Political flops, mishaps, and blunders, from an experienced Politician like Gov Paterson "earned him " the title of "Blockhead"

The picture with the cops and the gunman feature two African Americans in staring roles. In my toons I've always made a point to introduce black characters in key roles, something Caucasian artists generally don't think about. Notice in this cartoon it's the AFRICAN AMERICAN officer who wants justice to be done to stop the criminal, and is restrained by his white partner. Clearly, in this toon the back cop can be seen as a heroic figure, even with the presence of the Black criminal. It can be argued, "why did you make the BLACK guy the criminal, in this drawing?" my answer would be, "WHY NOT?" in the effort to uphold Bkack pride, some of my people, and I've done this too, in the past, want to hold up the entire race as paragons of virtue, who never do anything wrong. Such a view is untrainable, and insulting. Some people who are Back, DO commit crimes. Just as some, thankfully more DO NOT. THAAT is what is being depicted here.