Folks, I haven't even fully written a post for this, but when I found this gem, my eyes popped! Once I picked them back up off the floor, I realized that this was the line of clothing I've been searching for. As a Creative Caricature Marketing Consultant, one of the services I offer clients is that of a live caricature entertainer for corporate events. Oftentimes, I am required to be mobile, especially for events that require me to interact with the crowd,(like the job I did with absolute Vodka) and it is impossible to lug my gear around from one location to the other. With the Scottevest, there are numerous pockets to put pens, books, paper, and the aforementioned iPad for digital drawing. The company also makes pants will multiple pockets. As awesome as Scottevest gear is, from a purely functional standpoint, Scottevest gear also look cool. So you no longer stand out like a sore thumb with your pockets buldging. I almost wanted to keep this news to myself, but hey, this is social media after all, so I'm sharing!