Often when Im drawing couples, one of the pair is just sooooo visually stunning, that I request they pose by themselves just so i can capture them again. Such was the case of this magilla gorilla lookin dude here. He didnt REALLY look like my favorite primate, but there was SOMETHING about his face that made me wanna ask Mr Peebles how much wuz that gorilla in the window. I made a reference to that, and he didnt seem toooo happy about it... I kept drawing....all the while thinking about the Magilla Gorilla theme song.....
We've got a gorilla for sale...a yellow gorilla for sale.
Won't you buy him...take him home and try him...gorilla for sale.
See in the window, Magilla Gorilla...full of charm and appeal.
Handsome, elegant, intelligent, sweet...He's really ideal.
So if you want a yellow gorilla you can call your own...
a gorilla who'll be with ya when you're all alone.
(Magilla speaking): "Its the MAGILLA GORILLA SHOW.
Starring me and Mr. Peebles...
with Mush-Mouse and Pumpkin-Puss and Rickochet Rabbit and Droop-Along"
(Little girl speaking): "How much is that Gorilla in the window?"
Take our advice...
at any price...
a gorilla like Magilla is mighty nice.
Magilla Gorilla for sale......