Got some really bad news today and feeling literally kinda blue so this pic fits my mood. The MTA has a program that they've had for years where they commission city artists to have their work immortalized in the subway. They literally use a process where it's tiled into the wall. It so happens that Three stations in the rockaways where I live needed art and i figured being a residnt and having my ongoing subwaysurfer project going that i would be a shoe in for the commission. Naturally I submitted my best work taken form what ive been doing here for the past few years, consisting of caricature montages color sketches as well as black and white. When the smoke cleared, I received a nice little letter thanking me for my participation but informing me that over 60 people submitted work and mine was not going to be chosen. Ints very hard being a professional artist at times. You want money sure, but you also want recognition. im no different, and sometimes get very sad about how some of my artistic efforts dont seem to pan out and yet people tell me Im "good",,,,,, It;s like the ugly girl who can always be the "best friend" but doesnt get invited to the prom....