I's like to start off by thanking ALL of you people who tune into this blog for your daily dose of my scribble scrabble and ramblings.
I got a chance to experience firsthand the POWER of this blogsite yesterday afternoon while doing some street caricature near Central park. While drawing and sweating in the 90 degree heat, I got a call from Teenie Patterson, who, judging from the number, was from Miami, Florida. Teenie was in NYC on Vacation and was d;ying to get her caricature done but didnt know where to go. She called her sister, a frequent visitor to my blog, and asked her where she could find an artist. Without hesitation her sister suggested me, and since my number was on the blog suggested she call me and find me right away. She DID!!! WIthin an hour of calling, there she was in front of me being drawn.
Ive never felt so honored in doing a caricature before. It felt great that someone had actually searched me out to be drawn by me. That's Kenly Dillard, in the background.... We were both drawing at Central Park this day.