Saturday was bitterly cold, my fingers were freezing, my knees knocking together, and I had to go to the bathroom reaaaaal bad!!! so what was I doing at Central park??? Helping a guy propose to his bride, what else??? I love doing these type of caricatures the best since the reactions of the would be bride are always heartwarming. A woman who doesnt love caricature doesnt have a sense of humour, period in my opinion, and judging how his bride to be laughed, it's going to be a happy marriage. I threw in a more exaggerated freebie for the happy couple as well.
I took these pics with my trusty digital camera and got made the prints lickidy split at my neighborhood Walmart, as is my habit. When I went to pay for them, the cashier behind the counter, looked at my pics, looked at my face, and exclaimed, : Hey , I know you! You're the dude who draws on the train all the time! I've seen you!" It made my day.