Some faces you just GOTTA draw, and this vendor was one of them. While setting up one day I noticed this extremely tall very intense looking individual standing by some beautiful paintings and commented that i was a caricature artist and thought his intense look would be interesting to caricature and asked to snap a photo. He gladly posed much to my delight and this is the result of my study. The weathers gotten a bit colder so I dont get out as much , but as soon as i run into him again i will give him the picture. This guy has a great face for character design in that he can play both villan or hero. Theres this Dark edge about his face that makes him interesting to watch. This sketch is the result of observing him outdoors for a couple of days taking a couple of pics , all of swhich are not displayed here, and also doing many many drawings of him until i got one that I was satisfied with. Good caricature takes a LOT of time to do, and in the old days if i couldnt get a picture on the first or second try,I abandoned the whole project. These days I like to struggle with the process a little more and I am always satisfied with what comes out.