Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Smoking, giraffe , gun plus Kenly Dillard Produces this

oh yeah, I can "do cute"

As much as i LOVE LOVE LOVE to exaggerate and jack up people's faces, if I wanna pay the bills, I better KEEP doing caricatures like THESE. At parties expecially kids events parents dont take kindly to you jackin up their kids.... they WILL Jack up your wallet, and who wants THAT?
These two were part of a class of kids I did for a private school in Queens. I lectured at the school initially on career day for FREE and the response was so favorable they HIRED me to do a job two weeks later.
Take notes newbies, THIS is how you get clients. Be WILLING to do some freebies every now and then.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Latest Wave Editorial... sweeping out the dustmites

A Zero Sum Reform For Our State Legislature
In the wake of the recent debacle on the part of the State Senate, there should be little doubt on the part of any of our readers that the New York State Legislature needs reform, and we believe that the reform should be zero-sum – that there is nothing about the legislature that should not be on the table for that reform. We believe that a number of things must be done before the legislature can be truly little-d democratic. First of all, to stop the empire-building and power-grabbing that now occurs every day, and to stop the three-men in the closed room mentality that now drives both the Senate and Assembly, we must have term limits. Those limits should mandate a set term of eight years and then out. Let the fresh air in and the new broom sweep clean. Secondly, the state must be redistricted honestly. Senate and Assembly district must be drawn along community lines, not to insure the election of an incumbent or to insure that a minority candidate wins. To this end, we need a non-partisan redistricting committee made up not of politicians, but of political scientists and community activists with no political agenda. Then, reform the campaign finance rules which now allow almost anybody to fund a political campaign with an excess zeal and without sanction. Disclosure is poor and enforcement is non-existence, allowing lobbyists and special interests to call the tune in Albany. Lastly, open the ballot so that candidates who want to run have a chance to do so. The rules for getting on the ballot in New York State are draconian and ridiculous. The state’s Board of Elections is made up of political hacks whose only job is to insure that incumbents and other party favorites get on the ballot and insurgents do not. That has to change. We need a clean sweep. Only by making all of the necessary changes will we really have a democratic process in Albany.
Thursday, August 20, 2009
subway bum, or standup comic?

Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Great hair day.... lip day... eyebrow day....

This guy has such outstanding EVERYTHING it was hard to focus!!! Great hair, THICK eyebrows, large lips, a very full meaty face,and a massive build, but not fat, just... huge like a Samoan, only he was Puerto Rican. He had the skinniest girlfriend though and the contrast was so interesting that I had to literally have them stand apart so not to get distracted. Wish I could have had enough time to do the bodies, but these two are definitely going to make an appearance one day in a cartoon or character design of mine!!
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Just too good to draw once

Often when Im drawing couples, one of the pair is just sooooo visually stunning, that I request they pose by themselves just so i can capture them again. Such was the case of this magilla gorilla lookin dude here. He didnt REALLY look like my favorite primate, but there was SOMETHING about his face that made me wanna ask Mr Peebles how much wuz that gorilla in the window. I made a reference to that, and he didnt seem toooo happy about it... I kept drawing....all the while thinking about the Magilla Gorilla theme song.....
We've got a gorilla for sale...a yellow gorilla for sale.
Won't you buy him...take him home and try him...gorilla for sale.
See in the window, Magilla Gorilla...full of charm and appeal.
Handsome, elegant, intelligent, sweet...He's really ideal.
So if you want a yellow gorilla you can call your own...
a gorilla who'll be with ya when you're all alone.
(Magilla speaking): "Its the MAGILLA GORILLA SHOW.
Starring me and Mr. Peebles...
with Mush-Mouse and Pumpkin-Puss and Rickochet Rabbit and Droop-Along"
(Little girl speaking): "How much is that Gorilla in the window?"
Take our advice...
at any price...
a gorilla like Magilla is mighty nice.
Magilla Gorilla for sale......
Friday, August 14, 2009
Roman From Utretch Art Supply Store

Friday, August 07, 2009
Beware Of Dishonest Debt Col-lectors My Latest Editorial Cartoon for The Wave Newspaper

In this Editorial segment, the writer of The Wave put the much needed, long overdue spotlight on dishonest dirty rat debt collectors who scam millions of New Yorkers out of their hard earned cash. Maybe YOU'VE even gotten a call from these con artists wanting to play "lets make a deal" over the phone, having you pay money of debts that ARENT YOURS.
Beware Of Dishonest Debt Col-lectors
New York State Attorney General Andrew Cuomo is on a mission. Just two weeks ago, he sued 35 law firms and two debt collecting firms that operate in the state in order to throw out more than 100,000 default judgments improp-erly obtained against state citizens. Here’s the way the scam works. One day you open your mail, and you get a debt collection letter from a firm you have never heard of about a debt that you never incurred. One recent letter that has hit Rockaway homes purports to come from a company collecting for Veri-zon that seeks to collect a few hundred dollars that you owe on a phone num-ber you never had. Two or three weeks later, the telephone calls begin. When you explain that you don’t owe the debt, the person on the other end of the phone says that you do, and offers you a “deal” to pay off for half the amount owed. The letters and calls continue, and eventually the person on the other end of the phone says that the agency is going to court against you, and it does. The problem is, agents of the company certify to the court that you have been served with a subpoena to appear in court on a certain day, when in fact you have not. When you do not show up on the appointed day, the agency gets a judgment against you. That judgment is then sent to your bank, and your account is seized, even if it contains monies from social security and pensions, something that is not allowed under the law. The banks find it easer to simply obey the court order than to check where the money in the account comes from. Now, however, Cuomo wants all of those default judgments overturned, something for which we should all applaud him. As a consumer, you have cer-tain rights. You have the right to ask the caller proof that you owe the debt, but it must be done in writing. You have the right to see credit card receipts and other documentary proof that you owe the debt. And, should your bank account be seized, you have the right to appeal that with the clerk of the court, arguing that you were never served with the subpoena. Don’t take the debt collectors lightly. Many of them are crooks, out to take away your hard-earned money.
Thursday, August 06, 2009
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