My basement is flooded, my gas wont turn on, I got a leakey fridge, and Im totally pissed off. Perfect time for drawing a caricature. I re did Sean's pic today and the results were fantastic. I guess I have to be pissed off to do a really exaggerated caricature. did one here is EXACTLY the picture I had in my head before and couldnt execute. Sean's face kind of reminded me of a boot. Dont ask me how I came to THAT conclusion, but visualizing that shape really helped pull this together.
ELGIN!!! I love it dude!!!!!!! I have not seen my face drawn that way. very cool my friend, don't worry, I'll get you back
Glad you like it, I was beginning to think you hated it sicne i didnt get a response. I think it's some of my best work to date. I really took my time on it. Days..... in fact. Cant wait for your "rebutal"
yeah, sorry about that man. This have been really crazy lately, but I'm trying to get back on track now. Seriously I love it!
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